Saturday, September 8, 2007

Make a Living not a Killing?

This type of saying normally comes from somebody who is very concerned about money. I feel if your concerns are money related, whether it be; I never have enough, I need more, or they have too much, you will never obtain financial freedom. Financial freedom is different for everybody.

Financial goals, whatever they may be, are the weakest goals you can set. I learned a few decades ago, focus on creating excellence in every aspect of life, what I call obtaining wealth. Wealth is not financial, it is Harmony in all things.

A wealthy marriage has always been my primary goal, that that relationship be one of excellence and harmony, peace and happiness. Everything I do has that goal as it's center.

A wealthy Home, again a home here just walking in the doors gives you a sense of peace and security, harmony and love.

Wealth Spiritually, constantly seeking and learning spiritual truths. In harmony with gratitude and a knowledge that Creation and Scarcity are contradictions, therefore we were created from, live in and continue to create abundance in all things.

Wealth in the Marketplace. This is where, I feel most people fail. The Marketplace is where finances flow to and from, it where trade between honorable people should take place. If you do not create wealth in the Marketplace, you have no right to ask for wealth from the Marketplace. It is my opinion that within the Marketplace one finds Harmony and Justice. Most people do not receive much from the Marketplace because they make little contribution to the Marketplace. It has become taboo, labeled selfish, be made greedy. It has been mislabeled and misrepresented, oddly enough by he Government, as "The Man", as selfish. When it is the most honorable and noble aspect of any society when left to tend to itself through trade. The Marketplace is only corrupt due to regulations and controls placed there by those who have not earned that right. If you make no contribution to, if you have no desire to focus on, if you feel it is greedy to place effort in, the Marketplace and you receive nothing from it, you should not be surprised and you have no right to expect anything.

All this has been completely eaten up by most people and masked the true evil: Expansion of Government, power, control and wealth given to those who have never made a contribution. That massive Bureaucracy is what is evil and greedy and power hungry. They want to control that which they have not earned, and we call that, "Their Obligation". Then a man wishes to control that which he has legally obtained through worthy contribution and we call him, "selfish', and "greedy".

I know my detractors will focus on the time I spent in this post focusing on the Marketplace as a sign that I am greedy or evil. This is simplistic and shallow but, please show who you truly are, narrow minded and shallow, sound bite whores without original ideas or the ability to think for yourself. Haters of all humanity to such a degree that you see parasites as more worthy then mankind, self loathing and haunted by guilt for your race or circumstance. The focus on the Marketplace is because the other aspects of building a Wealthy Harmonious life while being misrepresented, have not been perverted and distorted to the point of the Marketplace. The reason for this is simple. By making that which they Covet Most evil to all others, the Government, especially those who live by the redefined label of Liberal (I say that for Jon because he has honestly pointed out that those who call themselves liberal today have perverted what liberal was and masked their true label; Socialist as Liberal), have been able to take more power and control of it. While the sheep have bought every sound-bite and adopted the most evil beliefs, larceny and lust of and for the property of others, as selfless and worthy.

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