Saturday, September 8, 2007

Make a Living not a Killing?

This type of saying normally comes from somebody who is very concerned about money. I feel if your concerns are money related, whether it be; I never have enough, I need more, or they have too much, you will never obtain financial freedom. Financial freedom is different for everybody.

Financial goals, whatever they may be, are the weakest goals you can set. I learned a few decades ago, focus on creating excellence in every aspect of life, what I call obtaining wealth. Wealth is not financial, it is Harmony in all things.

A wealthy marriage has always been my primary goal, that that relationship be one of excellence and harmony, peace and happiness. Everything I do has that goal as it's center.

A wealthy Home, again a home here just walking in the doors gives you a sense of peace and security, harmony and love.

Wealth Spiritually, constantly seeking and learning spiritual truths. In harmony with gratitude and a knowledge that Creation and Scarcity are contradictions, therefore we were created from, live in and continue to create abundance in all things.

Wealth in the Marketplace. This is where, I feel most people fail. The Marketplace is where finances flow to and from, it where trade between honorable people should take place. If you do not create wealth in the Marketplace, you have no right to ask for wealth from the Marketplace. It is my opinion that within the Marketplace one finds Harmony and Justice. Most people do not receive much from the Marketplace because they make little contribution to the Marketplace. It has become taboo, labeled selfish, be made greedy. It has been mislabeled and misrepresented, oddly enough by he Government, as "The Man", as selfish. When it is the most honorable and noble aspect of any society when left to tend to itself through trade. The Marketplace is only corrupt due to regulations and controls placed there by those who have not earned that right. If you make no contribution to, if you have no desire to focus on, if you feel it is greedy to place effort in, the Marketplace and you receive nothing from it, you should not be surprised and you have no right to expect anything.

All this has been completely eaten up by most people and masked the true evil: Expansion of Government, power, control and wealth given to those who have never made a contribution. That massive Bureaucracy is what is evil and greedy and power hungry. They want to control that which they have not earned, and we call that, "Their Obligation". Then a man wishes to control that which he has legally obtained through worthy contribution and we call him, "selfish', and "greedy".

I know my detractors will focus on the time I spent in this post focusing on the Marketplace as a sign that I am greedy or evil. This is simplistic and shallow but, please show who you truly are, narrow minded and shallow, sound bite whores without original ideas or the ability to think for yourself. Haters of all humanity to such a degree that you see parasites as more worthy then mankind, self loathing and haunted by guilt for your race or circumstance. The focus on the Marketplace is because the other aspects of building a Wealthy Harmonious life while being misrepresented, have not been perverted and distorted to the point of the Marketplace. The reason for this is simple. By making that which they Covet Most evil to all others, the Government, especially those who live by the redefined label of Liberal (I say that for Jon because he has honestly pointed out that those who call themselves liberal today have perverted what liberal was and masked their true label; Socialist as Liberal), have been able to take more power and control of it. While the sheep have bought every sound-bite and adopted the most evil beliefs, larceny and lust of and for the property of others, as selfless and worthy.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

True Freedom is Void of any form of Violence

A union official recently related a story about his son. The young man had his first experience with management negotiations and said “They lied. How could they do that?” He just couldn’t understand how a business manager could be so unethical as to lie during negotiations.

The experience is more understandable, however, if related to another situation, that of someone being accosted by an armed robber. The victim relinquishes cash from his pocket, but not the $100 bill he had hidden because of prior bad experiences. When the robber asks if that is all the money, he lies outright and tells him it is.

It raises the question of which is worse, the lie or the threat of violence by the thief? It relates directly to the union negotiation the son was talking about. The very foundation of every union, without exception, is violence and coercion, actual or threatened. Which is worse, the lie or the threat of violence.

Many will say that their union has never been involved in violence. It is true that, for a number of decades, there has actually been much less outright violence, especially among more professional types of unions. A distinction must be made, however, between different types of violence. They can be described as blue collar and white collar.

Blue collar violence is when the participants themselves take action, beating up and harassing replacement workers they call scabs, or coworkers who don’t support them, and/or destroying property. Society in general doesn’t appreciate physical aggression, and blue collar violence is a difficult public relations issue for unions.

White collar violence is where participants have someone else do the dirty work. Over the years, unions have learned that they can use government to do their violence. Anti-market politicians have enacted many laws over the decades which allow the use of coercion by government. Whenever an employer doesn’t relinquish his rights and refuses to negotiate with the union, the government steps in, threatening irresistible violence to any level of force necessary. It seems so much nicer and more civilized to use government agents for coercion and intimidation rather than doing it yourself.

Fraud, coercion and aggression are never acceptable in a free society. Mutual consent is the very foundation of any market based economy, and unless both sides agree, without fraud, coercion or aggression, there is no deal. Employers cannot force employees to work for them. Employees have the right to refuse to give up their time and skills if they can’t agree upon terms of employment. If either the employer or employee doesn’t live up to expectations, the other party has a right to withdraw consent and leave the relationship.

If working conditions are not acceptable, every employee has the right to quit. If all that unions did was show their solidarity and all walk off the job together, there is no issue with rights. They are doing together what they can each do alone. The only problems arise when they interfere with the employer’s rights or those of replacement workers.

It always amazes me when those within our society whom claim to denounce all violence, embrace violence by the Rule of Law. If the Government or Laws are enacted that make coercion or the Threat of Violence legal and carried out by Government, this is held as noble. Unions have for decades been seen as noble in their representation of the Common Man. However, as Unions have used coercion and the threat of violence, lining Politicians Pockets to strengthen their power and weaken companies. Our biggest employers and largest national producers have recently shown the true nature of what will always occur when "Fair Market Value" is ignored for the latest "Feel Good" Buzz Word or Catch Phrase. Many companies who allowed their pockets to be picked due to prosperity are now witnessing the affects of paying workers based on "Human Dignity" rather then "Value". If you look outside the private sector, just take a look at the cost we pay as a society to those very government employees and "Public Servants" who followed the Unions lead and voted themselves the most generous retirement packages known in history. You may begin to see that your Tax Dollars pay more for those who no longer work then it does for those currently working.

In any situation where replacements are willing to work, the glaring reality is that the market value for that skill is less than what the striking workers are asking for. The quantity of workers supplied is greater than the quantity demanded at the price they want. It is unfortunate for those particular workers, but it is, in fact, a market signal that they need to change locations, change careers or improve their skills if they want higher wages. It is like an entrepreneur trying to sell pizza where there are too many pizza joints. Overcrowding means lower income per participant unless supply or demand changes.

I truly believe that people should be treated with dignity and respect, and it is always in an employer’s best interest to do so. It is a grave error, however, to confuse market prices, of personal services or any other good, with respect or dignity or any other human quality. Economic freedom occurs when employer and employee, consumer and producer, and everyone else in society, is free to choose, given his or her own situation. Free markets have resulted in prosperity in countries that embrace them. Misery and poverty haunt those societies that hold violence and coercion as acceptable means, whether by individuals, groups or the state.

Lying is not ethical, but neither is extortion. People should tell the truth, but even more so, people should be free to enter only those relationships base on mutual consent.

Monday, June 11, 2007

You Become What You Think About

It has been long stated, and these words are true: "We become what we think about." Therefore, the question that begs to be addressed is, "What are you thinking about?" What thoughts go through your mind, from the time you awaken from your slumber, until the time you retire late into the evening? Have you ever stopped to think about all the words, wisdom, and wonder you use to fill the inside of your head? And if you were actually aware of what you were mulling over, would these internal conversations be directing you away from, or towards, that glorious vision of the future you've already imagined inside your mind?

If it's true, and it is, that your Philosophy (defined as everything you know, and how that information effects you) dictates your Attitude (what you think about), and if your Attitude ultimately effects everything you have... Would it be wise to have access to a few, shall we say, more positive thoughts to ponder all day long? If this sounds like more than a great idea, below you will find a few Philosophies for your consideration... As you slowly consider each and ever one, try to imagine what would happen to your business, and to your life, if you learned them, and thought about them everyday!

Stop worrying about those who says "No." Focus instead on those who simply say " I don't know." —Edward Nutt

If you share a good idea long enough, it will eventually fall on good people. —Jim Rohn

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do. —Edward Nutt

The basics are the business. —Edward Nutt

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. —Robert Collier

Two things you can control: The quality and frequency of your message. —John Kalench

Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail. —Charles Kettering

It's okay to be ignorant at first, if your goal is to become intelligent over time. —Edward Nutt

Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. —John Wooden

Always ask yourself what steps a leader would take, and then take them. —Brian Koslow

I will persist until I succeed. —Og Mandino

When you desire wisdom with the same intensity that you desired to breathe, then nothing will stop you from getting it. —Socrates

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. —Aristotle

The only true failure in life is the acceptance of mediocrity as a lifestyle. –Edward Nutt

Motivation is like bathing... It may not last, but it's still a good idea now and then. —Jim Cathcart

Managers do things right, leaders do the right things. —Warren Bennis

Action without study is fatal. Study without action is futile. —Mary Beard

The things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. —Aristotle

You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it. —Charles Bixton

Don't say, "If I could, I would." Say, "If I can, I will." —Jim Rohn

You are, right now, where you always planned to be. If you are unhappy with your surroundings, sit down and write better plans. –Edward Nutt

Success is not pursued it is attracted, by the person you become. —Edward Nutt

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon...must inevitably come to pass! —Paul J. Meyer

If you will become the very best messenger you possibly can, the message will take care of itself. —Edward Nutt

Money always flows to the leader... If you want more money, simply become more of a leader. —Robert T. Kiosaki

The key to success is dedication to life-long learning. —Stephen Covey

The Law Of Magnetism: Who you are is who you attract. —John C. Maxwell

He who stops being better stops being good. —Oliver Cromwell

Success leaves clues. —Anthony Robbins

Thinking about these words of wisdom daily will cause you to act differently over time... Therefore, if you truly desire to better yourself, your business, and your life—study them, do them, and then teach these powerful proven philosophies to everyone know!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Capital Punishment

The Death Penalty is out dated, it has not proven to be a deterrent to career criminals. Most who set on Death Row are First Offenders who committed their crimes in the heat of a moment or plotted them without sophistication. Longer Prison Terms have served a deterrent for violent crimes short of those that now call for Death. Evaluating cases that have left most on Death Row, you may find that they are of such a nature that no punishment would serve as deterrent.

Our system of Jurisprudence is completely beneath any standard wherein we can exert the ultimate punishment. This is a punishment that can not be taken back. As long as we have paramilitary Police Forces who's members are removing themselves from society and setting themselves apart from the very laws they enforce, Prosecutors who are motivated and elevated for seeking conviction rather then seeking Justice, and no these are not the same thing, and a society more judgmental of how we treat Enemy Combatants seeking to kill us and destroy our way of life then they are in looking at the conditions our own citizens are subjected to before they are convicted of any crime, the Death Penalty is completely beyond rational thought. Further, longer prison sentences and Life in Prison, as a punishment for the worst offenders, has proven to be a far greater Deterrent to crime.

Those who enforce our laws, live, in most cases, above the law. Since DNA testing was recognized countless Death Row inmates have been released based on irrefutable evidence that those convicted and sentenced to die were not the perpetrators. With these cases as examples, I have to agree that the Ultimate Penalty should be abolished. In my opinion we need to turn our Justice System inside out and completely overhaul it. I do believe this Nations system of Justice was set up on the philosophy that it is better that 10 guilty men go free then one innocent man lose his liberty. It is fast becoming quite the opposite, better that 10 innocent men lose their liberty then one guilty man go free.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Gratitude for the Producers

The 8 hour work day is a myth for those who have excepted mediocrity as a lifestyle and surrendered. In order to gain and maintain excellence one can not count the hours in a day, since a work day lasts as long as it takes to accomplish your tasks.

I can count the days I have been sick enough to miss a FULL days work in the last 22 years on one hand. Sickness is for those who have time and who's priorities allow for it. Have you ever noticed that, when you are busy with something that is truly important to you, you just don't get sick?

I don't have to remember what it took for me to make the gains or suffer the losses in my life.. They were made based on my efforts and those whom shared my vision and worked as hard as I did, sacrificed as much and did it all so those who chose could have jobs that provide a living for them without risking there homes and without their having to risk suffering a loss or eating Raman Soups because every body else got paid first and the creator of the company took what was left over. Gains have been made due to the gifts and blessings of a loving Creator and humility in following His wisdom and Guidance. Losses were suffered when I arrogantly fought His guidance, made errors in personal judgment or just plane ignored applying correct principles.

Never forget, if you have a job, it was most likely created as most of the jobs in this country were created, by a small businessman who risked it all on his or her dream. Someone who takes their check last and in many cases nearly lost it all to find success, not in the amount of money they earn but in the satisfaction one gets for building their dream and creating something that would not exist without the innovation of their mind.

If you are an employee, it is almost certain, you have been given a gift by someone who, if they are not now, suffered at one time to bring that business to fruition. All who are employed by someone or an entity other then themselves should be grateful everyday for the opportunity that was given to them. They have the opportunity to earn without risk of loss. Even if your company fails and you do not get a check for the entirety of your wages, you do not suffer a loss of anything more then your time. It is the Producer, the one who lays it on the line, mortgages his or her home, invests all savings, sacrifices and, in some cases, loses it all that makes it possible for others to simply show up, apply talent or labor and reap immediate benefits. Yet, by and large these Producers are portrayed as demons who rob their workers, cold blooded slave driver who rise at the cost of the workers. Without these individuals who risk it all and spend months and years taking the left overs, workers would only be able to complain of the lack of employment.

I never forget Whom made life's gains possible. I do sometimes forget to give the gratitude equal to the gifts. But, when asked, I know to Whom I owe the gifts in my life.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Capitalist Conservative vs Liberal

Quite simply, Capitalist Conservatives believe that those who create wealth should control it's distribution. That Capital is better left in the hands of those who's ideas, innovation and correct choices creates it. That governments primary role is to create and enforce Objective Laws that protect every citizens right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that insure every citizens life and property are protected from larceny and provide protection of National Interests abroad. That by and large, if left alone, citizens are intelligent enough to make proper choices, plan their retirement, negotiate their health care and educate themselves to increase their position in the Market Place. That if one makes incorrect choices, others should not be compelled by the rule of law to suffer for the choices of another. In addition, it is imperative that society promote values based on positive ethics and moral values. In the case of the United States, those values have foundation in Judea-Christian theology (Sorry, but their is some religious underpinnings of our Constitution). That there are absolute truths and principles. Most importantly, I believe with Great Freedom comes Great Responsibility and Sacrifice.

Liberals, in my opinion, believe in a larger, socially structured role for Government. That bureaucracy somehow creates diversity which equals fair decisions. That Government bureaucracy's can somehow lift people above their choices. That resources are limited and only government has a role in their distribution. That there are no absolutes and everything is open to personal interpretation. That citizens, by and large, are not able to make correct decisions, are not intelligent or diligent enough to educate their children or make good educational choices. That only those chosen and elected elite are intelligent enough to design a financial future for citizens, make health care available and affordable. That citizens need to be compelled to charity and freedom exists without responsibility.

Sorry this was longer then I wanted. In closing, and maybe to form a simple answer, Capitalist Conservatives believe they have no right to enact laws that force any man to give of what he has lawfully earned to support another. That Government has no role in the economy and taxes should only be used to provide for the protection of one citizen being robbed of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by another and our National Interests Abroad.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Righteous Battle

This needs to be clear before I make the following statement, I consider George W. Bush to be a complete Liberal (in the mold of Truman and J.F.K.), who has made one good decision and that was invading Iraq. You can take your WMD argument and all the other sound bites and rest on them. Regardless of what is found in Iraq, some of us knew over 5 years ago that Saddam was moving weaponry to Syria. It has recently come to light that he was attempting to purchase Yellow Cake Uranium, why are you not upset at Joe Wilson when you find out he lied and attempted to sabotage this country?

The way this war is being run is atrocious and ridiculous, we could squash these bugs with less then 10% of our military power. But we handcuff and castrate our military from doing the very thing a military is suppose to do. They are suppose to kill people and break things, that is why they exist. They are suppose to do it with such brutal force as to cause those considering attacking us to think long and hard about their families who will be destroyed by the absolute brutal force.

Don't lecture me that this is an un-winnable war. Every munition being used against our military has come from Iran. I wrote about this over a year ago, so don't think just because our Commander in retreat mentioned them, that is where I got it. We could absolutely level Iran and make a hole where Damascus use to be in a matter of hours, without the use of nuclear weapons. That is how you win this, you destroy the pipeline the weaponry is flowing through.

As for the Iraq Study Group, these pseudo - feel good, intellectuals, again, they do not know this enemy. Our war in Iraq has not emboldened the Extremists, it has not raised their recruiting. It has been our performance. The fact that it has been proven that our country, or the loudest portion of our Country, lacks the will to really take this fight to them. You may not know we can destroy this enemy, but they know perfectly well that it would take a matter of hours for us to completely wipe them from the face of the earth. It is the fact that we haven't that emboldens them. They watch our Liberal spineless congress (and this includes the last congress), they see our love for a shrinking violet like Obama, they read our press who seems rooted in our defeat. That is what emboldens them. If you want to really see the Extremists emboldened, if you want to see their numbers increase world wide, pull our troops out, retreat, redeploy. That will increase their number, give them an entire nation to plan their attacks from, enrich them with oil profits that will give them true Super Power Status. And, I believe, you will be fighting them from your own homes as those moderately extreme Muslims you all seem to love so much rise up in this country as they have in France and the UK and demanded their own sovereign rule in heavily populated Muslim Cities.

I believe some battles are righteous and as such may never end. Righteous is not religious and this is not a religious conflict. It is idealogical, as was WWII. They believe they should rule the world and all who are infidels should have their blood spilled and they shall bathe in their blood. I saw this first hand. While in the Military, I had the privilege to spend a little time with the IDF. I saw the aftermath of a wounded Israeli soldier where the mothers would bring their children to where he lay and cover them in his blood, wiping it on their own faces.

This war is righteous not because of it's religious implications but, because if we do not use the brutal force necessary to contain this enemy and break his will, this is an enemy that would walk home to home and as you attempt to explain that you supported his rights, that you want him to live in peace, that you hated what our country did to his people. He would look at you and smile, your children he would hug and explain that he appreciates your weakness and your betrayal of your country, he would then slit the throat of every male in your home from birth to whatever age, taking the head and draining the blood, he might pause to have his men rape you and your daughters so you at least die knowing a Muslim, but he would remove your heads as well, and also your hearts, he would bag those to take back to his family, they need to enjoy the blood as well. Then they would walk to the next home, shouting God is Great, repeating themselves in great joy and laughter. THIS IS THE ENEMY! You can hide behind your peaceful interpretation of the Koran, you can smile at your neighbor who may very well be a peaceful Muslim, and if they are, we should embrace them. But, this is the desire of the Extremist. They would, of course, hit Israel first and I am hopeful my brothers there would have more heart then we do here. But, if they succeed there, it will only be time before they arrive here.

That is why this is a righteous battle, the ideology will not die, it can be beaten into submission, that is why it may never end but, it can be controlled with the only thing it recognizes and that is overwhelming, brute force. Anything less is seen as weakness and this weakness is what is emboldening this enemy. If they had our power, they know how they would use it. Since we do not use it in like manner, we are seen as weak. Why was this not one of the discoveries of the Iraq Study Group?