Friday, April 13, 2007

Capital Punishment

The Death Penalty is out dated, it has not proven to be a deterrent to career criminals. Most who set on Death Row are First Offenders who committed their crimes in the heat of a moment or plotted them without sophistication. Longer Prison Terms have served a deterrent for violent crimes short of those that now call for Death. Evaluating cases that have left most on Death Row, you may find that they are of such a nature that no punishment would serve as deterrent.

Our system of Jurisprudence is completely beneath any standard wherein we can exert the ultimate punishment. This is a punishment that can not be taken back. As long as we have paramilitary Police Forces who's members are removing themselves from society and setting themselves apart from the very laws they enforce, Prosecutors who are motivated and elevated for seeking conviction rather then seeking Justice, and no these are not the same thing, and a society more judgmental of how we treat Enemy Combatants seeking to kill us and destroy our way of life then they are in looking at the conditions our own citizens are subjected to before they are convicted of any crime, the Death Penalty is completely beyond rational thought. Further, longer prison sentences and Life in Prison, as a punishment for the worst offenders, has proven to be a far greater Deterrent to crime.

Those who enforce our laws, live, in most cases, above the law. Since DNA testing was recognized countless Death Row inmates have been released based on irrefutable evidence that those convicted and sentenced to die were not the perpetrators. With these cases as examples, I have to agree that the Ultimate Penalty should be abolished. In my opinion we need to turn our Justice System inside out and completely overhaul it. I do believe this Nations system of Justice was set up on the philosophy that it is better that 10 guilty men go free then one innocent man lose his liberty. It is fast becoming quite the opposite, better that 10 innocent men lose their liberty then one guilty man go free.

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