Thursday, April 12, 2007

Gratitude for the Producers

The 8 hour work day is a myth for those who have excepted mediocrity as a lifestyle and surrendered. In order to gain and maintain excellence one can not count the hours in a day, since a work day lasts as long as it takes to accomplish your tasks.

I can count the days I have been sick enough to miss a FULL days work in the last 22 years on one hand. Sickness is for those who have time and who's priorities allow for it. Have you ever noticed that, when you are busy with something that is truly important to you, you just don't get sick?

I don't have to remember what it took for me to make the gains or suffer the losses in my life.. They were made based on my efforts and those whom shared my vision and worked as hard as I did, sacrificed as much and did it all so those who chose could have jobs that provide a living for them without risking there homes and without their having to risk suffering a loss or eating Raman Soups because every body else got paid first and the creator of the company took what was left over. Gains have been made due to the gifts and blessings of a loving Creator and humility in following His wisdom and Guidance. Losses were suffered when I arrogantly fought His guidance, made errors in personal judgment or just plane ignored applying correct principles.

Never forget, if you have a job, it was most likely created as most of the jobs in this country were created, by a small businessman who risked it all on his or her dream. Someone who takes their check last and in many cases nearly lost it all to find success, not in the amount of money they earn but in the satisfaction one gets for building their dream and creating something that would not exist without the innovation of their mind.

If you are an employee, it is almost certain, you have been given a gift by someone who, if they are not now, suffered at one time to bring that business to fruition. All who are employed by someone or an entity other then themselves should be grateful everyday for the opportunity that was given to them. They have the opportunity to earn without risk of loss. Even if your company fails and you do not get a check for the entirety of your wages, you do not suffer a loss of anything more then your time. It is the Producer, the one who lays it on the line, mortgages his or her home, invests all savings, sacrifices and, in some cases, loses it all that makes it possible for others to simply show up, apply talent or labor and reap immediate benefits. Yet, by and large these Producers are portrayed as demons who rob their workers, cold blooded slave driver who rise at the cost of the workers. Without these individuals who risk it all and spend months and years taking the left overs, workers would only be able to complain of the lack of employment.

I never forget Whom made life's gains possible. I do sometimes forget to give the gratitude equal to the gifts. But, when asked, I know to Whom I owe the gifts in my life.

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