Friday, April 6, 2007

The Moochers

The unethical, illegal and compulsive redistribution of wealth has become a plague in our nation. As Government Bureucrats align thier constituencys with those who choose not to create, not to make a contribution but, rather, to Mooch what they can in their own self interest with no consideration for those who are robbed with the threat of force of their earnings by Government in order to appease possible voters, this country becomes continually weaker. Robbed of moral values and ethical virtues by the lure of receiving something for nothing.

Our Moral Standards are declining, Teen Suicide is on the rise, the enhancement of life via chemicals seems to be ever more acceptable and almost inevitable, and many of us ask, Why?

Are these two related?

I would argue that they are. The constant bombardment of Politicians who seem to have absolutely no Moral or Ethical Standards, those who change thier rhetoric depending on the latest poll or the audience they are obviously attempting to appease, are constantly causing those who listen to wonder if their is anyone out there who has attained success without losing their soul. We could argue that the near criminalization of Christian Values, the explosion of Governement Programs that offer something for nothing. The Socialistic threads interwoven throughout our society have robbed many of the self esteem one needs to value themselves. Without any value for self, we soon lose value for others and it becomes less and less common to ask, "If you are giving to me, from whom are you taking? By what means do you take? By what authority do you take what is not yours and give to another?" Without value for self, one may lean toward a lifestyle where Morals, Ethics and Standards are completely subjective.

Then , of course, there are those who love to use Christian Values as a means wherein, the redistribution of wealth is a "Christ like teaching." To keep this short, I completely understand the teachings, that one should be most generous with ones possessions. However, I dare you find me one example where His teaching was that charity should be compulsary, enforced by the power to take ones life or liberty. Where it is taught that you should force others to give to causes you see value in under the threat of law? As many will definately take issue with this view, take for example those teachings of The Master wherein the reason for the action is as important or more important then the act itself. If you are using law and the threat that comes with enforcing the law to compel another to be charitable, are you robbing them of the blessings that come with making correct choices?

Let me make an example. I love charitable work. I enjoy giving to causes that I hold dearly. In giving of what I earn, to causes and organizations I deem worthy of my donations, I gain a sense of accomplishment, I feel the warmth one feels when exercising correct principles. When the Governement takes what I earn, this sense of accomplishment is robbed from me. As I see the woman (or Man, it just happens most I see are the women, not to mean they do not have a man too worthless to even accompany her in her looting with unearned finances) in the market with one cart of Alcohol, Tobacco products, Gossip Rags, Pornographic magazines and various other non-necessities, in which she pays cash for and another Cart of necessities that she uses Food Stamps to pay for, I become a little aggrieved and feel I have a right to ask why it is that I pay for her food in order to allow her to exercise her vices. Does it shock you when this same person has the money for Lottery Tickets? Further, should we not consider the morality of forcing one citizen to pay for services that individual holds morally reprehensible?

I ramble, forgive me. My point is simple. If you wish to see the exact cause of our Moral Decline, our increased Drug Use, the explosion of Gangs amongst our young people, look no further then your Elected Officials who have set the example of apparent success through manipulation, constant revision of what and when they actuallly stand for anything, the willingness to loot from one to give to another in persuit of one more entitlled voter who allows the cycle to constantly repeat. It is this absolute legalization of Larceny, as long as the Larcenist has the power to create a "Law" which allows them the power given no other which has lead to every negative in our society today!

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