Monday, April 9, 2007

The Destruction of the Mind Through Pride

The first time I sat down to write Know the Game You're In was over 11 years ago. This little letter was then sent through Fax Broadcast (email was not yet perfected) as a weekly accompaniment to a Newsletter "Generations". I can remember the marvelous satisfaction I felt when I traveled the country and heard from people how much they loved this "Weekly Thought" that was really nothing more then the ramblings of my mind, focused on becoming productive in the Market Place. Imagine what they might of thought if they had known the absolute Internal Self Destruction that was taking place as I became so extremely Proud of the ramblings of my Mind and the challenges that were to come in discovering this powerful force of destruction.

The struggle with Pride and the role it deceivingly plays in our lives is one that appears to have gained momentum over the past 10 years. It appears people are Proud of everything, from their children, their gender, their accomplishments, even their Racial Heritage. The Paradigm is that Pride will lead to Self Esteem and a Positive Portrait of oneself. How can this be Destructive? How many stories have you heard of a child so deeply bent on making a parent proud, they became completely self destructive, addicted to behaviors and substances, covering these problems as not to cause disappointment, until they just felt helpless and worthless? How often have we see movies wherein a character is acting completely ridiculous and irrational and the excuse whispered behind their backs is, "He is a man, or She is a woman, with a lot of Pride", or have you witnessed this in an acquaintance? Someone can not do the loving, reasonable or mature thing because they are Proud. The question remains; How do we find Self Esteem without a sense of Pride?

To lay a simple foundation, let's propose that the Human Mind has a Devine Connection (which I believe it does). That every Human Being has a deep connection to Goodness that can only be changed, and most often is, through Training and Conditioning during It's most vulnerable years. Yet, the Foundation, no matter how suppressed into the sub-conscience, is constantly testifying of Truth and Goodness. The voice may become smaller as conditioning takes hold but it is always there. This connection, or light, is instilled by the Source of It's creation. Based purely and solely on the basis that It was important enough and loved enough to be created in the first place. Now, instill Pride into this process. Not just being proud for what It accomplishes, but Pride in things, that It deeply knows, were completely and utterly the choice of others. Things that no choice It makes can ever change. Now add one of my favorite philosophical principles to the equation: "The Body is Slave to the Mind".

When you take those thoughts into consideration, isn't the destructive nature of Pride more visible? If your Mind knows that all Pride is based on the false assumption that we did it completely and utterly without assistance and negates the role of the Source of creation, which It knows to be true, wouldn't that cause an undeniable contradiction in a mind that also knows, "There are no Contradictions"? If, no matter what you tell yourself, the Mind, at It's deepest level, knows the absolute truth and the health of the Mind dictates the health of the Body, wouldn't the force of this contradiction tear at every fiber of your being?

So, what are we to do? How are we suppose to find that wonderment called Self Esteem? What if we were to replace Pride with Gratitude. Try this exercise: Instead of telling your child you are Proud of them because of an accomplishment, tell them your are Grateful for their efforts toward that accomplishment. Instead of endlessly seeking to make you proud by winning at every effort, even if that effort is dishonorable, they would need only to make their best effort, to win honorably or lose graciously, to know you were grateful. Instead of taking Pride in attaining your goals, be Grateful for that which was given you that allowed you to undertake such a task and overcome the obstacles. Show Gratitude for your heritage and the ancestors who worked so hard and made the choice to give it to you. After all, your very being was their choice, not yours. Be Grateful for a wonderful marriage or happy, healthy family. Be Grateful for children and the wonder and love they bring to the world. Be grateful for the Mind you were "GIVEN", for the very wonder of the electromechanical functions that allow your lungs to suck air. By becoming Grateful, we acknowledge what the mind already knows, we exist because of the love and goodness of the Source that created us. The very reason Pride is listed as destructive is because it contradicts the knowledge we have of the existence of that Source.

Try this, change your words, that is how it all starts: make a conscience effort, replace any synonym for Pride with one reflecting Gratitude in your daily language. Look up these two words in the thesaurus and see for yourself which one relates more positively. Try this for one month and let me know how it affects your life. I am certain there will be positive changes.

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