Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Capitalist Conservative vs Liberal

Quite simply, Capitalist Conservatives believe that those who create wealth should control it's distribution. That Capital is better left in the hands of those who's ideas, innovation and correct choices creates it. That governments primary role is to create and enforce Objective Laws that protect every citizens right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that insure every citizens life and property are protected from larceny and provide protection of National Interests abroad. That by and large, if left alone, citizens are intelligent enough to make proper choices, plan their retirement, negotiate their health care and educate themselves to increase their position in the Market Place. That if one makes incorrect choices, others should not be compelled by the rule of law to suffer for the choices of another. In addition, it is imperative that society promote values based on positive ethics and moral values. In the case of the United States, those values have foundation in Judea-Christian theology (Sorry, but their is some religious underpinnings of our Constitution). That there are absolute truths and principles. Most importantly, I believe with Great Freedom comes Great Responsibility and Sacrifice.

Liberals, in my opinion, believe in a larger, socially structured role for Government. That bureaucracy somehow creates diversity which equals fair decisions. That Government bureaucracy's can somehow lift people above their choices. That resources are limited and only government has a role in their distribution. That there are no absolutes and everything is open to personal interpretation. That citizens, by and large, are not able to make correct decisions, are not intelligent or diligent enough to educate their children or make good educational choices. That only those chosen and elected elite are intelligent enough to design a financial future for citizens, make health care available and affordable. That citizens need to be compelled to charity and freedom exists without responsibility.

Sorry this was longer then I wanted. In closing, and maybe to form a simple answer, Capitalist Conservatives believe they have no right to enact laws that force any man to give of what he has lawfully earned to support another. That Government has no role in the economy and taxes should only be used to provide for the protection of one citizen being robbed of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by another and our National Interests Abroad.

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