Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Righteous Battle

This needs to be clear before I make the following statement, I consider George W. Bush to be a complete Liberal (in the mold of Truman and J.F.K.), who has made one good decision and that was invading Iraq. You can take your WMD argument and all the other sound bites and rest on them. Regardless of what is found in Iraq, some of us knew over 5 years ago that Saddam was moving weaponry to Syria. It has recently come to light that he was attempting to purchase Yellow Cake Uranium, why are you not upset at Joe Wilson when you find out he lied and attempted to sabotage this country?

The way this war is being run is atrocious and ridiculous, we could squash these bugs with less then 10% of our military power. But we handcuff and castrate our military from doing the very thing a military is suppose to do. They are suppose to kill people and break things, that is why they exist. They are suppose to do it with such brutal force as to cause those considering attacking us to think long and hard about their families who will be destroyed by the absolute brutal force.

Don't lecture me that this is an un-winnable war. Every munition being used against our military has come from Iran. I wrote about this over a year ago, so don't think just because our Commander in retreat mentioned them, that is where I got it. We could absolutely level Iran and make a hole where Damascus use to be in a matter of hours, without the use of nuclear weapons. That is how you win this, you destroy the pipeline the weaponry is flowing through.

As for the Iraq Study Group, these pseudo - feel good, intellectuals, again, they do not know this enemy. Our war in Iraq has not emboldened the Extremists, it has not raised their recruiting. It has been our performance. The fact that it has been proven that our country, or the loudest portion of our Country, lacks the will to really take this fight to them. You may not know we can destroy this enemy, but they know perfectly well that it would take a matter of hours for us to completely wipe them from the face of the earth. It is the fact that we haven't that emboldens them. They watch our Liberal spineless congress (and this includes the last congress), they see our love for a shrinking violet like Obama, they read our press who seems rooted in our defeat. That is what emboldens them. If you want to really see the Extremists emboldened, if you want to see their numbers increase world wide, pull our troops out, retreat, redeploy. That will increase their number, give them an entire nation to plan their attacks from, enrich them with oil profits that will give them true Super Power Status. And, I believe, you will be fighting them from your own homes as those moderately extreme Muslims you all seem to love so much rise up in this country as they have in France and the UK and demanded their own sovereign rule in heavily populated Muslim Cities.

I believe some battles are righteous and as such may never end. Righteous is not religious and this is not a religious conflict. It is idealogical, as was WWII. They believe they should rule the world and all who are infidels should have their blood spilled and they shall bathe in their blood. I saw this first hand. While in the Military, I had the privilege to spend a little time with the IDF. I saw the aftermath of a wounded Israeli soldier where the mothers would bring their children to where he lay and cover them in his blood, wiping it on their own faces.

This war is righteous not because of it's religious implications but, because if we do not use the brutal force necessary to contain this enemy and break his will, this is an enemy that would walk home to home and as you attempt to explain that you supported his rights, that you want him to live in peace, that you hated what our country did to his people. He would look at you and smile, your children he would hug and explain that he appreciates your weakness and your betrayal of your country, he would then slit the throat of every male in your home from birth to whatever age, taking the head and draining the blood, he might pause to have his men rape you and your daughters so you at least die knowing a Muslim, but he would remove your heads as well, and also your hearts, he would bag those to take back to his family, they need to enjoy the blood as well. Then they would walk to the next home, shouting God is Great, repeating themselves in great joy and laughter. THIS IS THE ENEMY! You can hide behind your peaceful interpretation of the Koran, you can smile at your neighbor who may very well be a peaceful Muslim, and if they are, we should embrace them. But, this is the desire of the Extremist. They would, of course, hit Israel first and I am hopeful my brothers there would have more heart then we do here. But, if they succeed there, it will only be time before they arrive here.

That is why this is a righteous battle, the ideology will not die, it can be beaten into submission, that is why it may never end but, it can be controlled with the only thing it recognizes and that is overwhelming, brute force. Anything less is seen as weakness and this weakness is what is emboldening this enemy. If they had our power, they know how they would use it. Since we do not use it in like manner, we are seen as weak. Why was this not one of the discoveries of the Iraq Study Group?

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